Thursday, November 02, 2006


not enough people are checking out the original version of the saints are coming by the skids.
here then is a link to a totp performance on da youtube

dig my toothy screenshot! can y' dig it? huh? can ya?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

iggy pops rider

very funny 18 page rider written by one of iggy's road crew

via wfmu

Sunday, October 08, 2006

album cover wars

First alerted to this animation by waxy
but it would'nt load. Then wfmu
mentioned that someone had youtubed it.
It's quite funny, find it here.

Monday, October 02, 2006


I recall seing a video of these two young people some months ago. Indeed they are consumate guitar players. Back then the film was of them playing their version of a metallica song I believe.
I can't remember where I saw it. You know how sometimes you surf and just follow any tangent till you end up god knows where. This film clip is a bit nore traditional in style, but still high energy flamenco type goodness with their trademark guitar percussion.
So watch Rodrigo Y Gabriela play Tamacun now, it really is rather good.

And hey look it's from youtube... well I nevvah.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

long time no blog

Tut tut I'm a lazy beggar. Anyway, heres a link to an interesting thread concerning musicians taking up day jobs.

Monday, July 24, 2006

bucket news

Amazing what you can do with very limited equipment

UPDATE (18- 10- 06)
A band who have never met, only jammed together on youtube are looking for this guy to complete their lineup.
should be good especially if he sticks to the frenzied bucket approach.

I suspect there may be some changes in the air at youtube. Recent news from Zefrank
says youtube lay claim to full content ownership or something extreme like that, when you sign up with them. How this will impact on all the lifted content I don't really know.
Someone told me Myspace are doing the same thing for band pages.
Expect to see a mass exodus of bands from Myspace very soon if this is true.

Update. Billy Bragg has apparently saved the day(via waxy)

Friday, June 30, 2006

polly wanna

Loads of PJ Harvey on youtube

This is ace
Shortest skirt and a gibson firebird
trippy sexy promo for a place called home
3 songs from later with JH

and there's tons more on there.
Scuse several "sexy" references but she just is .... while being great raw bluesy rockin' rootsy real fine stufff.
wang dang doodle.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Just discovered this fascinating programme on acoustic design at BBC radio 4's listen again page.
Apparently first broadcast nearly 2 years ago, there's lots of interesting stuff on ancient and modern design techniques, from a wierd Mayan temple witha bizarre reverb meant to emulate a sacred bird, to anechoic chambers, impulse response physical modelling(hello Richard) and the strange goings on at the festival hall.
Eno puts in an appearance too.

photo courtesy bbc website

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

somewhere there's music....

searching around for pictures of the log. I was intigued by Les Paul's story generally, so have some links here to some of the many web pages of interest.
More than just the name associated with arguably the planets most iconic rock guitar,
Les paul has been, over the years, a star ( in the 50's with his then wife Mary ford), a very well respected jazz guitar player, and an inventor.
Not just any old inventor though. As well as pioneering work on the solid body electric guitar, Les invented such trivial things as reverb and multitrack recording.
Something I did'nt know was that after a car crash in 1948 he nearly lost his arm and apparently had to convince doctors to set it in a guitar playing position....permanantly! (see pics) .
LP interview 1, interesting about the 1st tape recorders
LP interview 2, comments after this are also good
Somewhere there's music indeed and that place is
in New York, where Les Paul performs to this day on monday nights,
not bad for a bloke who's 91 next month

Still aint found that log pic..........yet

update : here is a page with a pic and tale of "the log"
also here is a web jay page with "bye bye blues" by Les Paul and Mary Ford on it.
the site it links to has a boatload more old songs on it, if that's yer bag

Monday, May 15, 2006

espace temps

most competent jazz blues rock fusion instrumentals from this quebec (I believe) outfit .
live at either soundcheck or very poorly attended gig.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Lots of videos of punk, reggae and other underground type bands, mainly american.
Vids stream pretty quickly full screen on realplayer.
ART BRUT are there for you to watch.

nb. more youtube via musicthing (surprised he did'nt rave more about this roxy performance .... ,, they are on their gig man)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

youtube goodies

good stuff on youtube

Can : Paperhouse beatclub 1971

mc5: kick out the jams beat club 1972 ( clip comes in half way through performance by the looks of things)

killing Joke : Eighties promo

Public Image Ltd : careering/poptones American bandstand 1980 (what compilatiion would be complete without it. poor quality film, high quality TV history)

PIL: public image promo 1978

The Damned: neat neat neat on supersonic 1977 blurry but fun . hear those teenage girls scream when the captain falls over

Ultravox:Hiroshima mon amour ogwt 1979 (the proper Ultravox)

Hey! : Pixies t+c 1988
placebo with frank black: where is my mind

Slade : cuz I love you live beat club

another mc5, ramblin rose from public access TV show, intro in colour, mc5 in b+w. Highlights are Wayne K's slick dance move and the dowdy hippy chicks bizzarre advice on the intro.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Motown office from 1968-1972 was knocked down recently to make room for superbowl parking. officials did'nt even bother to clear it out.
more info at
original NPR story
blog entries from a concerned citizen/archivist

thanks waxy

Friday, January 20, 2006


bonkers they are this lot

I can't describe them.

Go listen at site

Theres a link on there to a page
with 23 of their songs if you like them.

along with some other dubious sounding bands.#

heres a direct link to that

Thursday, January 19, 2006


streamable vids. here
inc Tom Vek, Editors,
Royksopp,Cardigans etc .

downloadable vids here
more of similar. (mainly quick time)
but site is having tech difficulties
so it could be touch and go.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

easy peasy motivational posters

good on line thing.
put pictures in.
write text.
write sub text.
save page they display.
find file in files associated with saved page.
print out yer own moti posters.

taste sharing

got a webjay page thing
will try to update it often
easy to do
you don't need to give them your e mail nor nothin'
Make playlists that play links to url's
no uploading
Then it's just finding music on blogs and that

get one

(picture pointless)

Friday, January 13, 2006

one man bluegrass band

Crazy banjo playing n' foot guitar from this guy here.
No vid clips unfortunately.
1 audio track.

found via

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Reading something reminded me of this band so I went on a bit of a search.
Difficult to track down many people hosting audio.
Could'nt find "youth of america" the track that we used to listen to
15 years ago.
very influential band.

website with tantalising audio snippets

someone hosting a song at

and 2 tunes on someones webjay page (I'm not too keen on "is this real")

keep on searchin'

update: found more at
and at

Amazon uk have the box set. 1st3 albums. at £18 +free del, it's cheap, but not as cheap as direct from zeno records($17) but that's an international buying thing.
The huge link that buggers up this blog is in the comments at the strange reaction page.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

guitar suite

This is a pretty good set of freeware plugins that emulate classic guitar amps and stomp boxes.
I'm particularly keen on the two amps.
A nice sounding fender twin sim,
and a very good sounding marshall head sim which, to my ears at any rate, sounds
indistinguishable from the one I used to use back in the dim and distant way back day.

guitar suite dl page

Monday, January 09, 2006

honourable mention

I've mentioned music thing several times before .
Now this blog has a name check on there.
Very flattering.
Cheers tom.

quick laff

Some very funny answers made by people taking music exams here

Refrain means don't do it. A refrain in music is the part you'd better not try to sing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

great stuff at RecordBrother

Now and again whilst trawling about you find a bit of a gem. RecordBrother is one such.
Theres a lot of stuff on here, entire albums worth of scratchy vinyl, like cool sounding blacksploitation film soundtracks . It's one of those sites that have evrything in a great big long page, so it's almost impossible to find a particular thing on returning .

Theres a link to some great little video clips of Django Reinhardt in action.
Check it out