Tuesday, May 23, 2006

somewhere there's music....

searching around for pictures of the log. I was intigued by Les Paul's story generally, so have some links here to some of the many web pages of interest.
More than just the name associated with arguably the planets most iconic rock guitar,
Les paul has been, over the years, a star ( in the 50's with his then wife Mary ford), a very well respected jazz guitar player, and an inventor.
Not just any old inventor though. As well as pioneering work on the solid body electric guitar, Les invented such trivial things as reverb and multitrack recording.
Something I did'nt know was that after a car crash in 1948 he nearly lost his arm and apparently had to convince doctors to set it in a guitar playing position....permanantly! (see pics) .
LP interview 1, interesting about the 1st tape recorders
LP interview 2, comments after this are also good
Somewhere there's music indeed and that place is
in New York, where Les Paul performs to this day on monday nights,
not bad for a bloke who's 91 next month

Still aint found that log pic..........yet

update : here is a page with a pic and tale of "the log"
also here is a web jay page with "bye bye blues" by Les Paul and Mary Ford on it.
the site it links to has a boatload more old songs on it, if that's yer bag

Monday, May 15, 2006

espace temps

most competent jazz blues rock fusion instrumentals from this quebec (I believe) outfit .
live at either soundcheck or very poorly attended gig.