Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I can't handle the truth

So I hope it's not true....I can't be bothered to write a whole post so I'll cut and paste this email

Its nearly quicker to store jottings to gmail than to open word on my pc!
here is something I have just sent to front row on r4 after their piece on a famous Dylan songs
true life subject character. No mention in the piece about any controversy.
Either I am completely wrong and a gullible internet idiot, or possibly the whole of pop culture folklore and so called true stories of injustice is built on sand. What happens when we pull the thread?(what happens when we mix us metaphors?...colemanballs thats what!) So then? what should I be... Idiot? or the bringer of doom? contest I have quite broad shoulders where idiocy is concerned

"I just don't know what to think about rubin carter any more since I stumbled upon this site.
I don't just go along with hate campaigns for kicks or something.
But if just some of the stuff on this site is true.... Lots of real documentary evidence. Carter a convicted serial mugger... not a war hero but unfit discharge...probably did those killings...was not exonerated but let go on technicalities..offended after release... etc.
The song and the film ? is it just art for arts sake? I hate the very notion of a possible left wing cover up. mister researcher see what you think. or is it easier to just go along with the romantic dream?
I'd like to feel like an idiot, taken in by a clever malicous lie.Maybe someone could expose this site as full of falsehoods?"

Heres an actual link to the troubling site
I think I'll put this in the blog also

Thursday, April 26, 2007

slits rarities. get em quick

A blog a couple of slits rarites and other versions
They won't be up long
Looks like they're back treading the boards too. A slits official website

Thursday, April 19, 2007

test post

its all gone tong!
that'll learn me to mess with html

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


My first attempt at embedding youtube is this video I have just uploaded to a new yt account.
Quelladrive live at the Snooty fox playing back in the box.

Friday, April 13, 2007

man of steel

Some time back I looked for the chameleons on youtube and was disappointed with the results. Now there's loads of vids up. Here is the search page
here is "a person isn't safe anywhere..." at camden palace from a live dvd (see website)
"in shreds" live (low vol)
"up the down escalator" video demo in studio
plus lots more!

Great and underrated 80's band. I saw them twice back in the day. Wakefield hellfire club and Leeds poly.
They have a website

Saturday, February 24, 2007

daft punk deconstruction

A real eyeopener this. I still think Daft punk are amazingley creative people, but this reminds of a time that afriend of mine first played me ( a long time Captain Beefheart fan), some Howling Wolf.
A pile of songs(full mp3's) at this website..... that daft punk's finest moments are made of unadorned samples (all fully credited I'm sure). I think this kind of thing has been done before to the likes of fat boy slim.
Any way ... curious people might be advised to act fast as these blogs don't always host audio for all that long..
Thanks to musicthing as per usual

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Absolutely stunning, the depths of commercial depravity. With a little forethought those plane bombers could have singled out people who make and try to sell things like this for their attentions, instead of being so ...random